Monday, March 29, 2010

How do you properly say "Goodbye"?

A “Go with God” Moment”

How do you properly say “Goodbye”?

That will be the overarching question for IWU seniors over the next several weeks. After four years; how do you express the words and sentiments to friends for all they have meant to you? So, how will you say goodbye to the people who witnessed you grow from adolescence to adulthood? What will you do with folks who assisted you to put away childish things and now act like men and women of faith?  What will you say? What will you do?


In actuality, though April is filled with new found hope because of spring and Easter, it can be one of the saddest months of the year. And the people who grieve the most are your professors. That’s right; because we say goodbye to another class every year. We watched you come to IWU as somewhat wet-behind-the-ear freshmen. We taught, we trained, we offered ourselves, we coached, we prayed, we picked you up, we cried, we ranted, we smiled, and in the end, we washed your feet, and then we offered you the bread and wine. All the while we joyously watched the Spirit of Christ (re)shape the Imago Dei in your life.


So our question to you is this; how can we as your professors…

·         Say, ‘Thank you’ for allowing us to be witnesses of God’s grace in your life?

·         Express our (sanctified) pride in who you have become as a child of the King?

·         Demonstrate the faith we have in your future service for the Coming Kingdom?


So, we ask you to please set aside the last Friday of the Semester; April 23rd. During the 10am Chapel hour, we will meet together in the sanctuary of College Wesleyan Church for one final chapel service; a true Service of Consecration. During that time, we will honor the Senior class of the School of Theology and Ministry. But we want all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors to participate as well. It should be a time of joyful celebration and solemn dedication for all that God has done in and through us all over the last four years.


What a great way to say; Good-bye


BTW, you may be aware of the etymology of Good-bye. It comes from “Godbwye”, a contraction of the old English “God be with ye.”

Simply, it is our prayer for each of you.



Who: All Students of the School of Theology and Ministry

When: April 23rd at 10am

Where: College Wesleyan Church Sanctuary

What: Consecration Service


Now, Go with God


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